Thursday, December 26, 2019

Everything You Need to Know about the Stone Barrington Books

The 36th Stone Barrington novel by Stuart Woods, Scandalous Behavior, debuted at #1 on the bestseller lists, as usual. Thirty-six novels featuring one character is a lot, although it’s not a record—there are examples of books series that span hundreds of books, although most of those feature a mixture of authors. Still, when a series featuring a single character gets to be that long, the author is obviously doing something right, and that kind of success naturally makes a book-hungry person wonder if it could be a rich vein for them to mine when their usual supply of novels runs dry—but on the other hand, thirty-six novels (with the thirty-seventh due out later this year) can be a bit intimidating. So here’s what you need to know about the Stone Barrington novels. Character Sketch So, is Stone Barrington a guy you want to spend a lot of time with? Here’s what you need to know: His parents were both born to wealthy families, but were both disinherited because they refused to conform to familial expectations, a strain of rebelliousness that Stone himself inherited. He grew up in New York and attended public schools and graduated with a law degree, but after a ride-along in a police car decided to join the NYPD. In New York Dead he’s at the tail-end of his career as a Lt. Detective, rehabbing an injury and at odds with his superiors; in the middle of that story he’s forced out of the force and takes the Bar Exam to become a lawyer, and is hired by a tony law firm to be â€Å"of counsel.† Basically, the firm uses Stone to handle cases they don’t want sullying their reputation, and the work slowly makes Barrington a pretty wealthy guy—which is good, because he already had some very expensive tastes. You can’t help but see Woods in Barrington; much of Barrington’s jet-setting lifestyle seems like a slightly exaggerated version of Woods’ own life, from the pilot’s license to the knowledge of wines and food (Woods once wrote a very successful guide to restaurants and hotels in England and Ireland). Barrington travels the world, can handle himself in almost any situation, has a very active love life, and is a lot of fun to spend time with. His dislike of authority and his sense of humor are ideal for a character who is always sticking his intelligent nose where it’s not wanted. By the way, if you think Stone Barrington is a pretty silly name, you’re not alone: Woods’ editors reportedly tried very hard to convince him to change it. In Order The Stone Barrington books include, in publication order: New York Dead (1991)Dirt (1996)Dead in the Water (1997)Swimming to Catalina (1998)Worst Fears Realized (1999)L.A. Dead (2000)Cold Paradise (2001)The Short Forever (2002)Dirty Work (2003)Reckless Abandon (2004)Two Dollar Bill (2005)Dark Harbor (2006)Fresh Disasters (2007)Shoot Him If He Runs (2007)Hot Mahogany (2008)Loitering With Intent (2009)Kisser (2010)Lucid Intervals (2010)Strategic Moves (2011)Bel-Air Dead (2011)Son of Stone (2011)D.C. Dead (2011)Unnatural Acts (2012)Severe Clear (2012)Collateral Damage (2013)Unintended Consequences (2013)Doing Hard Time (2013)Standup Guy (2014)Carnal Curiosity (2014)Cut and Thrust (2014)Paris Match (2014)Insatiable Appetites (2015)Hot Pursuit (2015)Naked Greed (2015)Foreign Affairs (2015)Scandalous Behavior (2016)Family Jewels (T/K 2016) A few quick take-aways here: Through 2010 Woods had written 18 Stone Barrington Novels in 13 years, which is a brisk but not unusual pace; beginning in 2011 he published 19 more in just six years, with as many as four new Barrington novels hitting the shelves in a single year. According to interviews with Woods, he’s not only writing all of these books himself (unlike certain other ‛prolific’ best-sellers), he’s writing so many Barrington novels because his publisher requested that he do so. Key Barrington The series does follow a very loose chronology in the sense that past events and characters do occasionally pop into new stories (and some of Woods’ other characters from other series show up from time to time, as well. That said, this is a series you can read in any order, really, with only the occasional mystery reference to past events. Barrington is one of those characters whose charm is their consistency. The two caveats are: One, read New York Dead first. It’s not only the first-published, it’s the book that sets up Barrington’s back-story, so it’s really the one essential starting point; Two: 2004’s Reckless Abandon is a continuation of a story begun in Woods’ Holly Barker novel Blood Orchid, so you might want to read that one first. So, whether you dig up New York Dead and start at the beginning, pick up the first Barrington book you find, or seek out Scandalous Behavior right now, you’re going to have a pretty good time getting to know one of the thriller world’s best characters.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Impact of Ednas Initial Awakening Essay example

Examine the ways in which Chopin reveals and develops the impact of Edna’s initial - awakening - in the central section of the novel. Chopin reveals the impact of Edna’s awakening through a number of different mediums and stylistic devices. Firstly, she uses Edna’s character and her interaction with other people to emphasise the initial development of Edna’s character. In the central section of the novel, Chopin implies a change in Edna’s character this is shown through Doctor Mandelet’s observation, â€Å" he observed his hostess attentively from under his shaggy brows, and noted a subtle change which had transformed her from the listless woman he had known into a being who for the moment, seemed palpitant with the forces of†¦show more content†¦Edna rejects any societal values which she may or may have not have agreed with before but used to adhere to; she behaves towards Leonce in a way which is a total shock to him and therefore the reader because Chopin presents how Leonce feels and reacts as fact. â€Å"Why, what could have taken you out on Tuesday? What did you have to do?† said Mr Pontellier. â€Å"Nothing. I simply felt like going out, and I went out,† this is an example of a total change the way that Edna behaves towards Leonce. She does not behaviour or react the same way that she would have done previously thereby highlighting the change in her persona. Furthermore, the reader is told that there is a change in Edna’s character, or at least in Mr Pontellier’s view, â€Å" her whole attitude toward me and everybody and everything- has changed.† Chopin verifies Mr Pontellier’s comment by showing her reject of involving herself with her acquaintances and engaging in a whole new approach to life, â€Å"she hasn’t been associating with any one. She has abandoned her Tuesdays at home, has thrown over all her acquaintances, and goes tramping about by herself, moping in the street-cars, getting in after dark.† This implies a total rejection of any ‘normal’ routine which Mr Pontellier would like Edna to led and would have been undertaken by all of the women in the Creole society. Once again Chopin

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Challenges of Recruitment and Selection in Rio Tinto-Myassignment

Question: Discucss about the challenges of recruitment and selection in Rio Tinto. Answer: Introduction The report gives focus on the major challenges of recruitment and selection in the organization. The Rio Tinto is taken into consideration for this report. It is considered the largest mining and Metal Corporation worldwide. It elaborates that how the organization is taking an active part to resolve the issues globally. It considers the proper strategies that address the key challenges in the organization. Rio Tinto is known as an Australian British multinational corporation. The company operates the activities in the mining and metals products sector. It was established in 1873 and headquarter of the organization is situated in London. The main emphasis is given on the mining and minerals products. The companies deals or conducts the activities by taking into consideration iron, diamonds, and coal. There are almost 50,000 workers who are conducting the operations of the company. The organization is enhancing the profits and revenue effectively. It is analyzed that the organization tries to maintain a good image in the market, so that the profitability and smooth working can be conducted effectively. This is the effective way considered by the company and also it is traded on the London stock exchange and Australian securities exchange (Hurst, 2015). Challenges of recruitment and selection and strategies to minimize these challenges Recruitment and selection It is considered as one the essential function of the human resource management. If there is no proper process of recruitment and selection then it can give negative impact on the activities conducted by the organization. Recruitment gives focus on the candidates who are capable enough to operate the activities in a proper manner. The selection is also a method that on which the company gives more focus, so that the dedicated employees can be selected for the organization. Job analysis is also taken into consideration at the time of the selection. It helps the organization to select those candidates only who can conduct the operations (Kohtamki et al., 2012). Rio Tinto gives emphasis on having proper human resource management so that the benefits can be achieved and also can be given to the employees who are facing challenges in conducting the activities. The challenges for appointing the employees in the Rio Tinto company are discussed below: Demographic Issues It is one of the major concerns taken into consideration by the Rio Tinto company. The demographic problems are related to the workers, diversities and also generation. These problems give direct impact on the operations of the organization and also on the working environment of the company. It is analyzed that the working environment offered to the employees is not so good and especially for the women it is not comfortable to work there in an effective manner. The organization also does not give focus on the maintaining proper diversity in the organization. This can be the major problem faced by the company. Also, cultural differences, conflicts and increasing of the generation gap give negative impact on the working pattern of the organization (Shaw et al., 2013). Wages are also considered as an important aspect for every employee who is conducting the activities of the organization. The major problem faced by analyzed in the company is related to the wages only. The company does not offer attractive opportunities to the women who are working in the organization. There are also many changes in wages and also in the pay system of the women and men. Also, gender issue is one of the biggest problems that are seen in the company. Just due to the generation gap the organization is not able to maintain proper teamwork and coordination among the workers (Kehoe and Wright, 2013). Strategy recommended The organization should give emphasis on the demographic issue so that the goodwill can be enhanced. It is the responsibility of the top management to analyze the performance of the employees. If the performance is not good then corrective actions should be taken so that the goals and objectives can be accomplished. The manager should provide the proper environment to the employees, so that they can work with their full dedication (Lynch et al., 2012). Also, proper communication should be made between the management and the employees, so that the issues can be discussed and resolved in a proper manner. The organization should make rules and regulations for both men and women, so that the activities can be conducted with proper management. Cross-cultural training is also one of the important aspects of every organization. If it is conducted then it can give a brief explanation of the culture related to the organization. So Rio Tinto should give focus on maintaining proper cross culture training so that goals and objectives can be attained effectively. The company should also give emphasis on minimizing the age difference within the company (Berlin et al., 2013). Organizational image Every organization tries to maintain a proper organizational image, so that the growth and profitability can be accomplished. The challenge is related to the organizational image only. The growth and success of the organization are only dependent on the image of the organization. If the organizational image is proper then the company can attain various benefits in a proper manner (Wright and McMahan, 2011). The competitors of the organization are BHP Billiton and Anglo American Plc. The organization does not offer regular wage and salary to the workers, especially to the women. So, the organizational image and goodwill of the organization are not good. It is important for the organization to maintain the proper image in the market, and then only the company can attain growth. Due to the lack of goodwill in the market, the company issue related to recruitment. The candidates do not take interest to apply in the organization. So, the organization has to face many risk and loss just due to the poor image in the market (Castillo et al., 2013). Strategy recommended The organization should give emphasis on maintaining proper strategies so that the challenges can be addressed at the workstation. The organization should give emphasis on enhancing the goodwill in the market and also attract more candidates to apply for the job opening. There should be a proper evaluation of the strategies that are considered by the competitors, so that the company can conduct the activities according to the level of competition in the market (Pearson and Daff, 2011). The company should consider the policies and strategies to gain advantage for the long term. If the organization offer proper employment opportunities to the workers, then it can be possible to build a proper image in the market. The organization should also try to make creative leadership strategy so that the good position can be maintained in the organization. It is important to maintain the good environment and also the corporate culture should be proper so that the candidates can be attracted towards the organization. It is evaluated that if the organization have good working environment then it can easy to accomplish the goals and objectives (Bangerter et al., 2012). Issues related to Labor supply and demand Labor supply and demand are considered as the important elements of economics. It is known as the backbone of the organization. If efficient labor is not there in the organization, then it can be difficult for the organization to survive in the competitive environment. The competitive environment consists of many competitors who consider proper strategies for growth in the market. Without labor, no organization can conduct the operations in an effective manner. The efficiency of the labor can be enhanced if the company has a proper flow of communication (Kemp et al., 2011). For the employees, communication is one of the important aspects, so that the activities can be conducted smoothly. There are many factors that give direct impact on the labor supply and demand. The factors that give impact are globalization, compensation, and economy. The supply and demand of the labor are analyzed by taking into consideration the labor market. The organization needs more workers so that positive impact can be given to the profitability and productivity level of the organization. In the recent scenario, the employees require good wages to work in an effective manner. If good wages are not provided by the organization then it can be difficult for the organization to retain the workers for a long time. The labor supply and demand are affected by the factors like latest technologies, social factor and also an economic factor (Jenkins et al., 2012). Strategies recommended If the organization requires achieving proper goals and objectives then the company should give focus on maintaining proper strategies. There should be a proper balance between the labor supply and demand so that the activities can be conducted smoothly. The wages provided to the employees should be proper so that the productivity and profitability of the organization can be enhanced (Schmitt and Raisch, 2013). The organization should offer wages and salary to the workers by considering the productivity and performance. Rio Tinto should give focus on maintaining proper communication channels, so that the employees feel comfortable to conduct the activities. Proper training should also be provided by the company to its workers, so that the motivation and dedication level of the employees can be enhanced effectively. It can also give a positive impact on the overall performance level of the workers working in the organization. The organization should give emphasis on maintaining a prop er balance between the labor supply and demand, so that issues can be resolved in a proper manner (Alfes et al., 2013). Conclusion By analyzing the report, it is concluded that the company should have proper human resource department so that the activities can be managed in an effective manner. It is essential for every organization to have proper and sustainable human resource management within the company. There are many challenges and issues that are faced by the company. So Rio Tinto should take into consideration effective strategies so that the overall goals and objectives can be accomplished. Proper strategies help the organization to conduct the activities in the competitive environment. It will assist the company to increase the overall job satisfaction and morale of the workers conducting the routine activities in the organization. The organization should offer a good environment to the workers so that the activities can be operated in a proper way. This is the best way by which the company can compete properly in the competitive environment. References Alfes, K., Shantz, A. D., Truss, C., Soane, E. C. (2013). The link between perceived human resource management practices, engagement and employee behaviour: a moderated mediation model.The international journal of human resource management,24(2), 330-351. Bangerter, A., Roulin, N., Knig, C. J. (2012). Personnel selection as a signaling game.Journal of Applied Psychology,97(4), 719. Berlin, C., Dedering, C., Jnsdttir, G. R., Stahre, J. (2013, September). Social sustainability challenges for European manufacturing industry: attract, recruit and sustain. InIFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems(pp. 78-85). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Castillo, S., Jess, D., de la Campa, A. M. S., Gonzlez-Castanedo, Y., Fernndez-Caliani, J. C., Gonzalez, I., Romero, A. (2013). Contribution of mine wastes to atmospheric metal deposition in the surrounding area of an abandoned heavily polluted mining district (Rio Tinto mines, Spain).Science of the Total Environment,449, 363-372. Hurst, L. (2015). Assessing the competitiveness of the supply side response to China's iron ore demand shock.Resources Policy,45, 247-254. Jenkins, M. K., Moon, J. J. (2012). The role of naive T cell precursor frequency and recruitment in dictating immune response magnitude.The Journal of Immunology,188(9), 4135-4140. Kehoe, R. R., Wright, P. M. (2013). The impact of high-performance human resource practices on employees attitudes and behaviors.Journal of management,39(2), 366-391. Kemp, D., Owen, J. R., Gotzmann, N., Bond, C. J. (2011). Just relations and companycommunity conflict in mining.Journal of Business Ethics,101(1), 93-109. Kohtamki, M., Kraus, S., Mkel, M., Rnkk, M. (2012). The role of personnel commitment to strategy implementation and organisational learning within the relationship between strategic planning and company performance.International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior Research,18(2), 159-178. Lynch, M. D., Smith, A. J., De Gobbi, M., Flenley, M., Hughes, J. R., Vernimmen, D., ... Meek, S. (2012). An interspecies analysis reveals a key role for unmethylated CpG dinucleotides in vertebrate Polycomb complex recruitment.The EMBO journal,31(2), 317-329. Pearson, C. A., Daff, S. (2011). Extending boundaries of human resource concepts and practices: An innovative recruitment method for Indigenous Australians in remote regions.Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources,49(3), 325-343. Schmitt, A., Raisch, S. (2013). Corporate turnarounds: The duality of retrenchment and recovery.Journal of Management Studies,50(7), 1216-1244. Shaw, J. D., Park, T. Y., Kim, E. (2013). A resource?based perspective on human capital losses, HRM investments, and organizational performance.Strategic management journal,34(5), 572-589. Wright, P. M., McMahan, G. C. (2011). Exploring human capital: putting humanback into strategic human resource management.Human Resource Management Journal,21(2), 93-104.

Monday, December 2, 2019

These guys do Hamlet backwards soup

These guys do Hamlet backwards: soup-to-nuts Shakespeare in two hours flat Essay The first American Shakespeare company to claim the distinction of having its entire repertoire booked into Londons West End offers a succinct statement of its artistic philosophy: To put the shake back into Shakespeare. Indeed, the American RSC Reduced Shakespeare Company, that is does everything succinctly. The three-actor troupe crams all 37 plays plus the sonnets into one athletic and irreverent performance piece of less than two hours. The open-ended West End run that began March 23 at the Arts Theatre is a tribute to the popularity of the companys 1991 tour of England, which came on the heels of four well-received engagements at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Jess Borgeson, one of three Converse hightop-shod performers who play all the roles, notes, English audiences probably like us because we do Shakespeare exactly the way they think three guys from California might be expected to do Shakespeare. We will write a custom essay on These guys do Hamlet backwards: soup-to-nuts Shakespeare in two hours flat specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Their way with the Bard has been described as high-speed collegiate humor, manic silliness, a loving subversion which pays tribute to its source while sending it up at the same time and one of the funniest shows you are likely to see in your entire lifetime. Although those kudos all come from Montreal critics, the Reduced Shakespeare Company has garnered similar accolades from American, Australian, Irish and Japanese audiences. What will London audiences get when they buy tickets to the Yankee RSC? The show has changed little in basic format since its inception in 1981, though audience participation and topical references go a long way toward keeping it fresh. Act 1 incorporates snippets or at least passing mention of 36 plays: Othello becomes a rap song; the histories compress neatly into a football game Reds vs. Whites, with the crown as football; Titus Andronicus metamorphoses into a cooking show, with body parts as the basic ingredients; and a 15-minute Romeo and Juliet anchors the act. Act 2 belongs to Hamlet: a half-hour version followed by a two-minute reprise then a 30-second encore, capped by a high-speed version played backwards so you can hear the subliminal satanic messages. Ophelias drowning is represented by a goblet of water dashed in her face; in reverse-action Ophelia spews a mouthful of water into the goblet. Front-row spectators are shanghaied to stand in for Hamlet and Ophelia while the actors lead the audience in chanting the conflicting instructions of Ophelias id, ego and super-ego. In Dublin the trio got a Catholic priest to be Ophelia, and in Kansas City, a pregnant woman. The tenor and length of this audience-participation sequence can vary considerably. Borgeson explains, If we get to a certain point and the audience giggles, well go one way; if they guffaw, well go another. We know where were going to end up, but there are different routes we can take to get there. Thats part of our fun. Borgeson got his first taste of reduced Shakespeare at the University of California, Berkeley, when he appeared in The (15-Minute) Doggs Troupe Hamlet by Tom Stoppard. Soon he gravitated toward two other mini-Shakespeareans, Daniel Singer author of a four-person Hamlet, and actor Adam Long. In 1987 the trio took its one-hour version of the Complete Works to the Edinburgh Festival. Appearing often outdoors, they learned that there was a clear relationship between fast pacing, the laugh quotient and the number of coins that went into the hat they passed after every performance. That realization spurred the trio to develop their breakneck, laugh-a-second pace. In 1989, when Singer left the company to take a job at Walt Disney Studios, Borgeson called Reed Martin, a fellow Berkeley classmate who had been on the road for two years as a circus clown with Ringling Brothers. Today the company is a five-person partnership composed of the three performers, costume/prop wizard Sa Thomson and business manager Scott Ewing. .u52f26895b6583dad5e6f1d87aae09fce , .u52f26895b6583dad5e6f1d87aae09fce .postImageUrl , .u52f26895b6583dad5e6f1d87aae09fce .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u52f26895b6583dad5e6f1d87aae09fce , .u52f26895b6583dad5e6f1d87aae09fce:hover , .u52f26895b6583dad5e6f1d87aae09fce:visited , .u52f26895b6583dad5e6f1d87aae09fce:active { border:0!important; } .u52f26895b6583dad5e6f1d87aae09fce .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u52f26895b6583dad5e6f1d87aae09fce { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u52f26895b6583dad5e6f1d87aae09fce:active , .u52f26895b6583dad5e6f1d87aae09fce:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u52f26895b6583dad5e6f1d87aae09fce .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u52f26895b6583dad5e6f1d87aae09fce .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u52f26895b6583dad5e6f1d87aae09fce .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u52f26895b6583dad5e6f1d87aae09fce .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u52f26895b6583dad5e6f1d87aae09fce:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u52f26895b6583dad5e6f1d87aae09fce .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u52f26895b6583dad5e6f1d87aae09fce .u52f26895b6583dad5e6f1d87aae09fce-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u52f26895b6583dad5e6f1d87aae09fce:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Hamlet – The Character Of Hamlet EssayAlthough much of the show is based upon the performers, personalities, Martin quickly felt at ease with it and contributed material based upon his clown skills: fire-eating, accordion-playing and even tapping out the William Tell Overture on the sides of his neck. The three personas, as projected in performance, are finely balanced: the exuberant intellectual Borgeson, the innocent idealist Long and the deadpan pragmatist Martin. Offstage they wear bomber jackets with the company emblem on the back. A circular red-bordered patch on the right arm proclaims 2B, while the left-arm sports 2B with a red bar through it. A Tokyo engagement in 1991 challenged the troupes communication skills to the fullest. The best laughs came when they hit or kicked each other, so they found themselves doing a lot of hitting and kicking. After noticing that people would bring their dinners to eat during the performance, Borgeson, Long and Martin decided to incorporate that practice into the performance. They would run out into the audience, take peoples food away from them and eat it on stage. The audience loved it, and Long remembers that as the most popular segment of the show. Martin learned a few Japanese phrases to help explain what they were doing. To introduce the reverse-action Hamlet, he asked someone how to say We will do it backwards. In performance, however, his Japanese brought only blank stares. Later he found that what he had said meant, We will do it behind ourselves. For the audience-participation sequence, Martin coached the super-ego section of the audience to pronounce Get thee to a nunnery! But when he cued them to call out the line at the crucial moment, he was taken aback to hear, from the entire audience in unison, Get thee to a brewery! Between moments like these, the RSC allows audiences only the briefest glimpse of its genuine reverence for the Bard. Amid the hilarity of the trios Hamlet send-up, theres a powerful moment when the tomfoolery skids to a halt, and Long recites simply and guilelessly, without a trace of interpretation, Hamlets What a piece of work is man sequence. Suddenly the bellylaughs cease, and the audience, seduced by words, holds its collective breath. You know Borgeson is right when he says, We should probably get over our inferiority complex about playing Shakespeare straight.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Aesthetic Point of View Essay Example

The Aesthetic Point of View Essay Example The Aesthetic Point of View Paper The Aesthetic Point of View Paper The quest to substantiate aesthetics assessment has given birth to many philosophies in this field. This attempt has been dissected into multiple criteria such aesthetic concepts, aesthetic enjoyment, aesthetic experience, aesthetic value, etc. According to Beardsley, multiple points of view represent different value centered subjectivity. Beardsley with his flair in being open to including constructive criticism poses questions to his own definitions concerning the capacity-definition and he draws three problems with specific adjustments; the problem of falsification, the problem of illusion and the problem of devaluation. The problem of falsification leaves room for negative judgments to capitalize not absence of little value but great value in a work of proposed art. His vivid example of being under the influence of an intoxicated substance could alter the correct way of experiencing a work of art makes the point clear. ‘’But how can we explain the lowering of an aesthetic evaluation and still maintain that these evaluations are capacity-judgments? ’ asked Beardsley. This quotation refers to mood of critical thinking in his passages. The problem of devaluation captures the shift in ‘our value grades’ that is largely caused by enlargement of our experiences. So this ‘belated recognition’ opens an internalized evaluation of the grades and understanding of it. The Aesthetic Value ‘‘The aesthetic value of an object is the value it possesses in virtue of its capacity to provide aesthetic gratification when correctly and completely experienced’’ It can be said that in judging the value of a painting, a poem, a composition, a drama or a building the observer needs to comprehend and include that aspect of its quality (with which we judge it) which is due to its capacity to provide aesthetic enjoyment. It is interesting to observe how the definitions of ‘value’, ‘capacity’ and ‘aesthetic gratification’ pull in more observations given through out the text. But after the definitions, the subjectivity of the considerations rejected or accepted when certain judgments are formulated bring us to his next nexus of suggestions. Beardsley writes, ‘’A consideration about an object is relevant to the aesthetic point of view if and only if it is a aesthetic gratification ( formal unity and intensity of regional quality) are present in the object’’. So his examples of a painting being landscape painting being relevant to a judgment marginally contributes to the pre-conditions surrounding the painting like possibly sexual orientation of the painter, writer or composer. The suggestion that the judgment should be exclusive of the subject of the creation gives rise to how historical, cultural aspects of judgment makes subjectivity of the art work stronger. To take an aesthetic point of view requires more than appreciating the skills and interjects the recognition and perceptions. When the question of justification for adopting a certain aesthetic point of view is there, the conflicts with other equally able aesthetics arises. So according to Beardsley the modern approach to broaden the range of adoption by ‘increasing the amount of aesthetic value of which we can take advantage’. This brings us to the observational point of the central task in aesthetic education. He states that this is where there is a rift and observers torn between conflicting ways of redirecting taste. The argument against broadening the amount of aesthetic value tries to incorporate everything as ‘expressive and symbolic’ and the other being the way of love of beauty which he has mentioned is reformist by implication since it seeks a world that conforms to its ideal. But Beardsley’s understanding in how confrontation with these issues does not generate the scope for defining the possibilities and limitations of the aesthetic point of view leaves margins for more contemplation. His conclusion suggest that the conflict of values and the values used for the aesthetic point of view sometimes terminate adopting only one. And his most noble suggestion has been ’To adopt the aesthetic point of view is simply to seek out a source of value. ’ Conclusion The most interesting aspect in reading and trying to evaluate Monroe C. Beardsley’s proposals has been in his expansive adaptation to developments in the philosophical ideas given birth by criticism or change in new aspects of the art world absent from his original philosophy. There might have been absence of elements of feminism, fad fashion, movements but this so-called New criticism that he is supposedly underwriting does respect the art criticism in a positive light. References The journal of Aesthetics and Art criticism, Volume 63, Issue 2 ( p 175- 178) Quotes from, The Aesthetic Point of View Monroe C. Beardsley 1982.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Helen Keller, Deaf and Blind Spokesperson and Activist

Helen Keller, Deaf and Blind Spokesperson and Activist Helen Adams Keller (June 27, 1880–June 1, 1968) was a groundbreaking exemplar and advocate for the blind and deaf communities. Blind and deaf from a nearly fatal illness at 19 months old, Helen Keller made a dramatic breakthrough at the age of 6 when she learned to communicate with the help of her teacher, Annie Sullivan. Keller went on to live an illustrious public life, inspiring people with disabilities and fundraising, giving speeches, and writing as a humanitarian activist. Fast Facts: Helen Keller Known For:  Blind and deaf from infancy, Helen Keller is known for her emergence from isolation, with the help of her teacher Annie Sullivan, and for a career of public service and humanitarian activism.Born:  June 27, 1880 in Tuscumbia, AlabamaParents: Captain Arthur Keller and Kate Adams KellerDied:  June 1, 1968 in Easton ConnecticutEducation: Home tutoring with Annie Sullivan, Perkins Institute for the Blind, Wright-Humason School for the Deaf, studies with Sarah Fuller  at the  Horace Mann School for the Deaf, The Cambridge School for Young Ladies, Radcliffe College  of  Harvard UniversityPublished Works: The Story of My Life,  The World I Live In,  Out of the Dark, My Religion,  Light in My Darkness, Midstream: My Later LifeAwards and Honors:  Theodore Roosevelt  Distinguished Service Medal in 1936, Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1964, election to the Womens Hall of Fame in 1965, an honorary Academy Award in 1955 (as the inspiration for the documentary about her life), countless honorary degreesNotable Quote: The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched ... but are felt in the heart. Early Childhood Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880, in Tuscumbia, Alabama to Captain Arthur Keller and Kate Adams Keller. Captain Keller was a cotton farmer and newspaper editor and had served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War. Kate Keller, 20 years his junior, had been born in the South, but had roots in Massachusetts and was related to founding father John Adams. Helen was a healthy child until she became seriously ill at 19 months. Stricken with an illness that her doctor called brain fever, Helen was not expected to survive. The crisis was over after several days, to the great relief of the Kellers. However, they soon learned that Helen had not emerged from the illness unscathed. She was left blind and deaf. Historians believe that Helen had contracted either scarlet fever or meningitis. The Wild Childhood Years Frustrated by her inability to express herself, Helen Keller frequently threw tantrums that included breaking dishes and even slapping and biting family members. When Helen, at age 6, tipped over the cradle holding her baby sister, Helens parents knew something had to be done. Well-meaning friends suggested that she be institutionalized, but Helens mother resisted that notion. Soon after the incident with the cradle, Kate Keller read a book by Charles Dickens about the education of Laura Bridgman. Laura was a deaf-blind girl who had been taught to communicate by the director of the Perkins Institute for the Blind in Boston. For the first time, the Kellers felt hopeful that Helen could be helped as well. The Guidance of Alexander Graham Bell During a visit to a Baltimore eye doctor in 1886, the Kellers received the same verdict they had heard before. Nothing could be done to restore Helens eyesight. The doctor, however, advised the Kellers that Helen might benefit from a visit with the famous inventor Alexander Graham Bell in Washington, D.C. Bells mother and wife were deaf and he had devoted himself to improving life for the deaf, inventing several assistive devices for them. Bell and Helen Keller got along very well and would later develop a lifelong friendship. Bell suggested that the Kellers write to the director of the Perkins Institute for the Blind, where Laura Bridgman, now an adult, still resided. The director wrote the Kellers back, with the name of a teacher for Helen: Annie Sullivan. Annie Sullivan Arrives Helen Kellers new teacher had also lived through difficult times. Annie Sullivan had lost her mother to tuberculosis when she was 8. Unable to care for his children, her father sent Annie and her younger brother Jimmie to live in the poorhouse in 1876. They shared quarters with criminals, prostitutes, and the mentally ill. Young Jimmie died of a weak hip ailment only three months after their arrival, leaving Annie grief-stricken. Adding to her misery, Annie was gradually losing her vision to trachoma, an eye disease. Although not completely blind, Annie had very poor vision and would be plagued with eye problems for the rest of her life. When she was 14, Annie begged visiting officials to send her to school. She was lucky, for they agreed to take her out of the poorhouse and send her to the Perkins Institute. Annie had a lot of catching up to do. She learned to read and write, then later learned braille and the manual alphabet (a system of hand signs used by the deaf). After graduating first in her class, Annie was given the job that would determine the course of her life: teacher to Helen Keller. Without any formal training to teach a deaf-blind child, 20-year-old Annie Sullivan arrived at the Keller home on March 3, 1887. It was a day that Helen Keller later referred to as my souls birthday. A Battle of Wills Teacher and pupil were both very strong-willed and frequently clashed. One of the first of these battles revolved around Helens behavior at the dinner table, where she roamed freely and grabbed food from the plates of others. Dismissing the family from the room, Annie locked herself in with Helen. Hours of struggle ensued, during which Annie insisted Helen eat with a spoon and sit in her chair. In order to distance Helen from her parents, who gave in to her every demand, Annie proposed that she and Helen move out of the house temporarily. They spent about two weeks in the annex, a small house on the Keller property. Annie knew that if she could teach Helen self-control, Helen would be more receptive to learning. Helen fought Annie on every front, from getting dressed and eating to going to bed at night. Eventually, Helen resigned herself to the situation, becoming calmer and more cooperative. Now the teaching could begin. Annie constantly spelled words into Helens hand, using the manual alphabet to name the items she handed to Helen. Helen seemed intrigued but did not yet realize that what they were doing was more than a game. Helen Kellers Breakthrough On the morning of April 5, 1887, Annie Sullivan and Helen Keller were outside at the water pump, filling a mug with water. Annie pumped the water over Helens hand while repeatedly spelling â€Å"w-a-t-e-r† into her hand. Helen suddenly dropped the mug. As Annie later described it, a new light came into her face. She understood. All the way back to the house, Helen touched objects and Annie spelled their names into her hand. Before the day was over, Helen had learned 30 new words. It was just the beginning of a very long process, but a door had been opened for Helen. Annie also taught her how to write and how to read braille. By the end of that summer, Helen had learned more than 600 words.   Annie Sullivan sent regular reports on Helen Kellers progress to the director of the Perkins Institute. On a visit to the Perkins Institute in 1888, Helen met other blind children for the first time. She returned to Perkins the following year and stayed for several months of study. High School Years Helen Keller dreamed of attending college and was determined to get into Radcliffe, a womens university in Cambridge, Massachusetts. However, she would first need to complete high school. Helen attended a high school for the deaf in New York City, then later transferred to a school in Cambridge. She had her tuition and living expenses paid for by wealthy benefactors. Keeping up with school work challenged both Helen and Annie. Copies of books in braille were rarely available, requiring that Annie read the books, then spell them into Helens hand. Helen would then type out notes using her braille typewriter. It was a grueling process. Helen withdrew from the school after two years, completing her studies with a private tutor. She gained admission to Radcliffe in 1900, making her the first deaf-blind person to attend college. Life as a Coed College was somewhat disappointing for Helen Keller. She was unable to form friendships both because of her limitations and the fact that she lived off campus, which further isolated her. The rigorous routine continued, in which Annie worked at least as much as Helen. As a result, Annie suffered severe eyestrain. Helen found the courses very difficult and struggled to keep up with her workload. Although she detested math, Helen did enjoy English classes and received praise for her writing. Before long, she would be doing plenty of writing. Editors from Ladies Home Journal offered Helen $3,000, an enormous sum at the time, to write a series of articles about her life. Overwhelmed by the task of writing the articles, Helen admitted she needed help. Friends introduced her to John Macy, an editor and English teacher at Harvard. Macy quickly learned the manual alphabet and began to work with Helen on editing her work. Certain that Helens articles could successfully be turned into a book, Macy negotiated a deal with a publisher and The Story of My Life was published in 1903 when Helen was only 22 years old. Helen graduated from Radcliffe with honors in June 1904. Annie Sullivan Marries John Macy John Macy remained friends with Helen and Annie after the books publication. He found himself falling in love with Annie Sullivan, although she was 11 years his senior. Annie had feelings for him as well, but wouldnt accept his proposal until he assured her that Helen would always have a place in their home. They were married in May 1905 and the trio moved into a farmhouse in Massachusetts. The pleasant farmhouse was reminiscent of the home Helen had grown up in. Macy arranged a system of ropes out in the yard so that Helen could safely take walks by herself. Soon, Helen was at work on her second memoir, The World I Live In, with John Macy as her editor. By all accounts, although Helen and Macy were close in age and spent a lot of time together, they were never more than friends. An active member of the Socialist Party, John Macy encouraged Helen to read books on socialist and communist theory. Helen joined the Socialist Party in 1909 and she also supported the womens suffrage movement. Helens third book, a series of essays defending her political views, did poorly. Worried about their dwindling funds, Helen and Annie decided to go on a lecture tour. Helen and Annie Go on the Road Helen had taken speaking lessons over the years and had made some progress, but only those closest to her could understand her speech. Annie would need to interpret Helens speech for the audience. Another concern was Helens appearance. She was very attractive and always well dressed, but her eyes were obviously abnormal. Unbeknownst to the public, Helen had her eyes surgically removed and replaced by prosthetic ones prior to the start of the tour in 1913. Prior to this, Annie made certain that the photographs were always taken of Helens right profile because her left eye protruded and was obviously blind, whereas Helen appeared almost normal on the right side. The tour appearances consisted of a well-scripted routine. Annie spoke about her years with Helen and then Helen spoke, only to have Annie interpret what she had said. At the end, they took questions from the audience. The tour was successful, but exhausting for Annie. After taking a break, they went back on tour two more times. Annies marriage suffered from the strain as well. She and John Macy separated permanently in 1914. Helen and Annie hired a new assistant, Polly Thomson, in 1915, in an effort to relieve Annie of some of her duties. Helen Finds Love In 1916, the women hired Peter Fagan as a secretary to accompany them on their tour while Polly was out of town. After the tour, Annie became seriously ill and was diagnosed with tuberculosis. While Polly took Annie to a rest home in Lake Placid, plans were made for Helen to join her mother and sister Mildred in Alabama. For a brief time, Helen and Peter were alone together at the farmhouse, where Peter confessed his love for Helen and asked her to marry him. The couple tried to keep their plans a secret, but when they traveled to Boston to obtain a marriage license, the press obtained a copy of the license and published a story about Helens engagement. Kate Keller was furious and brought Helen back to Alabama with her. Although Helen was 36 years old at the time, her family was very protective of her and disapproved of any romantic relationship. Several times, Peter attempted to reunite with Helen, but her family would not let him near her. At one point, Mildreds husband threatened Peter with a gun if he did not get off his property. Helen and Peter were never together again. Later in life, Helen described the relationship as her little island of joy surrounded by dark waters. The World of Showbiz Annie recovered from her illness, which had been misdiagnosed as tuberculosis, and returned home. With their financial difficulties mounting, Helen, Annie, and Polly sold their house and moved to Forest Hills, New York in 1917. Helen received an offer to star in a film about her life, which she readily accepted. The 1920 movie, Deliverance, was absurdly melodramatic and did poorly at the box office. In dire need of a steady income, Helen and Annie, now 40 and 54 respectively, next turned to vaudeville. They reprised their act from the lecture tour, but this time they did it in glitzy costumes and full stage makeup, alongside various dancers and comedians. Helen enjoyed the theater, but Annie found it vulgar. The money, however, was very good and they stayed in vaudeville until 1924. American Foundation for the Blind That same year, Helen became involved with an organization that would employ her for much of the rest of her life. The newly-formed American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) sought a spokesperson and Helen seemed the perfect candidate. Helen Keller drew crowds whenever she spoke in public and became very successful at raising money for the organization. Helen also convinced Congress to approve more funding for books printed in braille. Taking time off from her duties at the AFB in 1927, Helen began work on another memoir, Midstream, which she completed with the help of an editor. Losing Teacher and Polly Annie Sullivans health deteriorated over several years time. She became completely blind and could no longer travel, leaving both women entirely reliant on Polly. Annie Sullivan died in October 1936 at the age of 70. Helen was devastated to have lost the woman whom she had known only as Teacher, and who had given so much to her. After the funeral, Helen and Polly took a trip to Scotland to visit Pollys family. Returning home to a life without Annie was difficult for Helen. Life was made easier when Helen learned that she would be taken care of financially for life by the AFB, which built a new home for her in Connecticut. Helen continued her travels around the world through the 1940s and 1950s accompanied by Polly, but the women, now in their 70s, began to tire of travel. In 1957, Polly suffered a severe stroke. She survived, but had brain damage and could no longer function as Helens assistant. Two caretakers were hired to come and live with Helen and Polly. In 1960, after spending 46 years of her life with Helen, Polly Thomson died. Later Years Helen Keller settled into a quieter life, enjoying visits from friends and her daily martini before dinner. In 1960, she was intrigued to learn of a new play on Broadway that told the dramatic story of her early days with Annie Sullivan. The Miracle Worker was a smash hit and was made into an equally popular movie in 1962. Death Strong and healthy all of her life, Helen became frail in her 80s. She suffered a stroke in 1961 and developed diabetes. On June 1, 1968, Helen Keller died in her home at the age of 87 following a heart attack. Her funeral service, held at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., was attended by 1,200 mourners. Legacy Helen Keller was a groundbreaker in her personal and public lives. Becoming a writer and lecturer with Annie while blind and deaf was an enormous accomplishment. Helen Keller was the first deaf-blind individual to earn a college degree. She was an advocate for communities of people with disabilities in many ways, raising awareness through her lecture circuits and books and raising funds for the American Foundation for the Blind. Her political work included helping to found the American Civil Liberties Union and advocacy for increased funding for braille books and for womens suffrage. She met with every U.S. president from  Grover Cleveland to Lyndon Johnson. While she was still alive, in 1964, Helen received the highest honor awarded to a U.S. citizen, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, from President Lyndon Johnson. Helen Keller remains a source of inspiration to all people for her enormous courage overcoming the obstacles of being both deaf and blind and for her ensuing life of humanitarian selfless service. Sources: Herrmann, Dorothy. Helen Keller: A Life. University of Chicago Press, 1998. Keller, Helen. Midstream: My Later Life. Nabu Press, 2011.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Academic Integrity Seminar Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Academic Integrity Seminar - Assignment Example d) From the date and source of this reading, one can conclude that some cultures or communities had shared values they wanted to preserve. They shared core values related to doing well to the benefit of the community. Such values can arise in the modern society or cultures through socialization. Socialization of the societal value begins with the family hence a child grows to know what the society expects. Greenspan is not realistic in his argument about business ethics. Exploitation of materials offers business support which makes it grow. It is not realistic for a business to buy and sell products with the same price; there has to be some differences to offer continuity of the business. Business ethics is not all about reducing exploitation to protect the beneficiaries, but it entails much more. Therefore, Greenspan is naà ¯ve in his argument. Pre-commit: People should try to make decisions before tempting situations. Pre-committing to difficult objectives can increase ones performance. Similarly, those who impose strict deadlines tend to perform better than those who don’t. Use rewards and penalties: Rewards are very vital in strengthening self-control. Many people can make short-term sacrifices for long-term gain when they have a self-imposed reward. Therefore, they will exercise self-control to get the reward in the end. On the other hand, use of penalties will discourage bad behaviors; making one develop self-control mechanism. Self-affirmation: This implies avoiding bad habits. One should reaffirm himself or herself on the core things he or she believes are better when done. It will result to self-control. Thinking about core values which are accepted will help an individual top self-control when depleted. â€Å"I would like to express my gratitude to my family members for all their support since I started schooling to this juncture. You have been supportive of my course. I am grateful

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

What form of market structure best describes the supermarket chain in Essay

What form of market structure best describes the supermarket chain in the UK Explain your answer using examples - Essay Example These have led to many analysts accusing them of taking advantage of their market power to evolve an unfair advantage. The Competition Commission (CC) confirmed this indicating that they indeed enjoyed higher gross profits as compared to similar firms in other countries, though their return on capital employed (ROCE) was substantially lower (Smithy, 2002). The total UK grocery stores sales in 2005 generated total sales volume of approximately  £120 billion, which was an increment of 4.2 percent from the previous year. In this category, grocery items contributed 95, which accounts for almost half of all retail sales and 13 percent in household spending. The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) reported that by 2005, the five largest supermarket chains had a market share of grocery items of approximately 75 percent (OFT, 2006). The OFT reports that the expansion of the large supermarket chains into the convenience store sector (those below 280 sq metres) had considerably expanded this market segment, from 54 stores in 2000 to 1306 by 2005 within the UK market. According to IGAD Research (2009), there are 92,796 grocery stores located in Britain by end of 2008. This are divided into four main segments including: convenience stores; traditional retail; hypermarkets; supermarkets and superstores; and online channel [See Figure: 1]. IGAD Research reports that by 2008, the UK grocery market had grown to  £146.3bn, a 4.8 percent rise from 2007. Clarke (2001) reports that the big five supermarket chains account for half of all food retail sales within the UK market while the two largest (Tesco and Sainsbury) command a market share of third of the market share. Due to their predominance, these supermarkets have evolved monopolistic tactics since they control the downstream market or the retail level hence are able to fix prices to generate higher profits by using their market power

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Unconscious mind Essay Example for Free

Unconscious mind Essay The word personality originates from the Latin word â€Å"persona† which means mask. From the modern meaning of mask, it means a cover used for disguise. However from the ancient Latin-speaking world, the word is used not to conceal something but to typify or represent a character in theater plays. Thus, personality is what differentiates or distinguishes a person. It is a mask that sets an individual apart from others. For a more detailed description of personality, it is defined as the sum total of the qualities and characteristics of a person as shown in her manner of walking, talking, dressing, and her attitudes, interests, and ways of reacting to other people.   Consequently, to make things simpler and to quote from Glen Allsopp, a popular internet blogger, personality is a set of qualities that make a person distinct from another. Psychoanalysis was pioneered by Sigmund Freud. This perspective believes that there are three levels of awareness or divisions of the mind namely conscious, preconscious and unconscious. Freud represented these levels of awareness through an iceberg. The part of the iceberg visible above the surface is the conscious mind. Just below the surface is the preconscious mind, anything that is not yet part of the conscious mind. Hidden deep below the surface is the unconscious mind, feelings, memories, thoughts, and urges that cannot be easily brought into consciousness. The unconscious can be revealed in dreams and Freudian slips (or slip of the tongue is a verbal or memory mistake believed to be linked with the unconscious mind). In addition, according to Freud, there are three parts of personality called as id, ego and superego. The id works on the pleasure principle. Its goal is instant gratification and satisfaction from our primitive drives related to hunger, sex, aggression, and irrational impulses. The ego works on the reality principle. It protects the person against the immediate gratification of the id. Conscious awareness resides in the ego, although not all of the operations of the ego are conscious. The ego brings the person down to what is real. As an example, when a person is hungry or is sexually  driven, the desire can only be satisfied at the right place and at the right time. The ego controls the person’s actions and allows for higher level cognitive skills. The superego, on the other hand, is the moral center of personality, containing the ego ideal and the conscience, and is the source of moral anxiety. The superego would create perfectionist and civilized individuals that are incapable of compromising what life requires. While the id would create pleasure-seeking individuals whose main goal is to satisfy every desire without delay. The ego balances the person as it compromises what the id desires in accordance to the superego. Carl Gustav Jung believed that there was not only a personal unconscious, as described by Freud, but a collective unconscious as well. This collective unconscious served as a form of psychological inheritance. It contains all of the knowledge and experiences we share as a species. The collective unconscious contains archetypes or models of people, behaviors, and personalities. These archetypes are innate, universal, and hereditary. These are unlearned and function to organize how we experience certain things. The four major archetypes according to Jung are: the self, the shadow, the anima or animus, and the persona. The self is the unification of the consciousness and unconsciousness wherein various aspects of personality are integrated. T he shadow exists as part of the unconscious mind and is described as the darker side of the psyche. It is composed of weaknesses, repressed ideas, desires, instincts, and short comings. The anima is the feminine image in the male psyche while the animus is the male image in the female psyche. It is represented as the â€Å"true self† rather than the image a person projects to others. Lastly, the persona is how we project ourselves to the world. It is like our social mask that we wear for different situations and groups. It shields the ego from negative images. Archetypes are not limited to the four types previously mentioned nor are fixed. Other archetypes that Jung described are: the father (authority figure), the mother (nurturing and comforting), the child (longing for innocence), the hero (champion, defender), and the trickster (liar, deceiver) among others. Psychiatrist Alfred Adler proposed feelings of inferiority as the driving force behind personality and developed the birth order theory. Firstborn children with younger siblings feel inferior once those younger siblings get all the attention and often overcompensate by becoming overachievers. Middle children feel superior over the dethroned older child while dominating younger siblings and they tend to be very competitive. Younger children feel inferior because they are not allowed the freedom and responsibility like those of the older children. Frank Sulloway, another theorist proposed that birth order has a profound effect on one’s personality. Firstborns are more dominant, less open to new ideas, and more conscientious than later-born children. Consequently, later-born children are more open and rebellious.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Use of Violence as the Main Reason for Mussolinis Consolidation of Pow

Use of Violence as the Main Reason for Mussolini's Consolidation of Power from 1922-1928 Introduction  · Several reasons why Mussolini was able to consolidate his power between 1922 and 1928, such as Mussolini?s actions and strategy, co-operation from the elite and the failure of his opposition.  · However, I believe the most significant reason was the use of violence. Paragraph 1: Use of Violence  · July 1923: The Chamber, surrounded by Blackshirts, passed the Acerbo Law. This said that the party gaining the most votes in an election, provided that they obtained at least 25% of the votes, would take two-thirds of the seats.  · April 1924: Militia violence during the election. 1 Socialist candidate killed; meetings were stopped; hostile voters were intimidated and the Blackshirts stood next to the poling stations to frighten people into voting for the Fascists. Some Fascist voters were allowed to vote many times each. The ras had a virtually free hand in intimidating opponents in the small towns in the provin...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Training plan for employees

Recruitment, selection, training and evaluating employees Section A I have been hired by Laurent Bank of Canada, as a consultant to assist in hiring employees for the Commercial Banking Branch located In Montreal, Quebec. Laurent Bank Is a Quebec regional bank that has been In operation since 1846 and their head office Is located In downtown Montreal. The bank offers retail and commercial financial services. I will be consulting for the hilling of employees working at a new commercial branch located next to Concordia University, in Montreal.These employees will be working as Commercial Account Managers in the banking industry. The Laurent Bank Commercial Banking sector offers different types of loans for small business owners such as Credit Lines, Term Loans and Business VISAS. The Bank makes a profit by collecting the interest they have charged on each of their loans. The Bank is looking to hire 3 employees who have had previous experience working in the banking Industry as well as an educational background in Finance or Accounting, preferably at a University level (I. E. Bachelor's Degree).The newly hired employees will be responsible for managing a portfolio of existing business clients. They will also be required to bring In new clients to the Bank. Section B I will conduct the following job analysis to obtain Information on the skills, knowledge and ablest required for the Job: Identify and Isolate the component tasks Involved Examine how the tasks are performed Identify the main areas of responsibility Identify the working conditions I will use the 3 following methods to gather data from existing employees or sources to conduct my Job analysis: 1 .Interviewing existing Account Managers: I would meet with a few current employees working in Commercial Banking and ask them specific questions about their Job. 2. Perform an online search: I would search inline on Commercial Account Managers in order to gain knowledge on the field and specific requirements. 3. I would obtain access to the weekly activity logs: All Account Managers are required to submit a weekly actively log to their superiors. This log contains detailed Information on the work that was done during the week.Job Description: The Account Manager is responsible for structuring credits and addressing perceived risk. This includes completing necessary due diligence, establishing pricing and terms of credit, and also producing ongoing credit reviews and risk ratings that fleet knowledge of Bank policies and procedures. With respect to business development The Account Manager continually develops and broadens relationships with existing customers by cross-selling relevant and value added financial products and services. It is also a priority to build new relationships through referrals from customers and other sources.Section C I will recruit prospective employees by posting the Job description on Social Networking sites such as Linked and Faceable. I will also use job search we bsites also post the available position in the careers section of the corporate website of Laurent Bank. Social Networking sites are good way to attract Job seekers since almost everyone use Linked and Faceable. The majority of the population is using a smart phone nowadays with these applications already installed. Faceable would help me do a background check on applicants by having access to their network of friends, activities and hobbies.It would not, however give me much information on their education, skills or work experience. Linked is a more useful application for recruiters because its main use is to connect professionals through their work experience. Linked is an excellent calibration tool to help me assess the depth of the potential talent pool. The following 3 selections techniques will be used: I will compare the credentials from each candidate's profile or posted resume; I will personally message those who I have selected and inform them on my decision to pursue an i nterview; I will also perform background reference checks on the candidates.Comparing profiles between candidates will enable me to narrow down my search; however there is the possibility that I choose one candidate over another strictly based on the presentation of their online profile or resume. Sending a personal message to chosen candidates is good ways of letting the applicant know that we are interested. However, this method can also backfire when the applicant refuses to respond to the message in a timely manner, resulting in wastage of time. Background checks are always a good source for gaining insight on the applicant's past work experience.However, it is important to make sure you are speaking with the right person. It is not always easy to contact a candidate's previous boss due to availability. Old Boss' are not always eager to take the time out and speak about a past employee. Section D Once hired, the employees' performance will be evaluated on a weekly basis. The Men tor or personal in charge of training the employee will be required to fill out a performance form. The form will contain several sections about the different tasks required for the role of an Account Manager.The Mentor will grade each section with the following: A (achieved), F (failed), AN (non-applicable) and IP (in progress). This weekly evaluation will serve as an indicator of the employee's progress. It will also clearly indicate the areas where the employee needs improvement. The following training methods will be used: 1 . Job Shadowing with an existing Account Manager. This will enable the new employee to gain insight on the day-to-day activities of an account manager. It will also give the employee to ask questions on specific tasks.However, it can slow down the efficiency of Account Managers if they spend too much time answering questions. 2. Helping Account Managers with their portfolios. This will be both beneficial to the new and existing employees. New employees will gain experience by analyzing credit applications and financial statements. While the existing Account Manager will have more time work on other tasks and duties. However, the work submitted by the new employees will have to be revised by the Account Manager before submission. Section E The following 3 training programs will be used: 1 .Moody Analytics Account Manager. New employees will be required to complete the Commercial Lending program that involves online lessons on the specific skills needed for this role. Financial statement analysis, risk management and business development are the three topics covered in the lessons. After every lesson, employees are required to complete an examination testing their skills learned. The scores from these exams ill be sent directly to the Mentor. This will teach the employee on the three most important skills needed for an Account Manager.However, employees must be trusted to not consult other employees when answering the exam questions. 2. Financial Statement Analysis New employees will be given financial statements from new and existing clients to analyze. They will be required to calculate key ratios in order to determine the performance of the company in the current and past year. Financial statement analysis is a skill that must be mastered in order to be a successful Account Manager ND this is a good way to practice. The employee, however, might feel discouraged at first since all financial statements are different and can be very confusing at first. . Case Discussion New employees will be given the opportunity to discuss the risk associated with lending to the clients they have analyzed through financial statement analysis and job shadowing with an Account Manager. This will give a chance to new employees to express themselves and share their ideas. Some new employees, however, might feel too intimidated or shy to fully express their opinion. PART 2: Company Culture Section F I will advise leaders to help employ ees reach personal and organizational goals by pointing out the paths they should follow and by providing them with the means to do so.They would need to show concern and support for subordinates. The leader should use a transactional leadership style, where they can clearly identify the needs of their followers and give rewards in exchange for performance. They can set goals and expectations, reward effort and provide feedback. Section G Commercial Account Managers often work out of the office, visiting clients, checking out loan applications, and soliciting new business. Account Managers may be required to travel if a client is out of town, or to work evenings if that is the only time at which a client can meet.Employees in this role have the flexibility to work from home as well. Normal business banking hours are Monday to Friday from mamma to pm. An Account Manager manages his/her portfolio; therefore they usually manage least 37. 5 hours per week. Employees will be eligible for 4 weeks of vacation annually, however weeks must be reserved in advance to avoid too much vacancy at once. The office will be well located in central downtown Montreal. This will give employees the opportunity to take public transportation instead of driving their vehicles. It will also enable Account Managers to easily penetrate the commercial market.The office building will be connected to an underground metro station, which will facilitate travel during winter. All account managers will be provided with their own work space in the form of an open concept cubicle. This will encourage teamwork and also enable employees to interact with each other more frequently. There will be private rooms that can be reserved for client meetings. Upper Management will have private closed offices. There will also be a board room for meetings and presentations. The thermostat will be electronically adjusted to provide ideal temperatures for winter and summer.The lighting will be sufficient for des k work and each workstation will have its own computer, printer and telephone. There will also be a cafeteria open to all employees with a fridge and microwave. This will encourage employees to interact during lunch hour. I would be aware of the following psychological and social concerns: Job Autonomy and Harassment. I would assess the degree of satisfaction an employee has with their current role because it will be reflected in their reference. If the employee is not fully satisfied, they will feel exhausted with their role and eventually would not care to perform.This could eventually lead to the employee leaving their Job. Harassment is very serious and must be handled severely. Employees who face harassment might be too intimidated to report it. If it is not handled immediately, it can lead to serious lawsuits towards the organization. The policies on harassment will be clearly explained to all employees upon Joining the organization. Section H Stress in the workplace often coi ncides with the following behaviors in employees: rower productivity, reduced motivation, increased errors, and increased turnover.The role of an Account Manager often results in the following stresses: Role Overload. Employees feel there are too many tasks in too short time period. I would attempt to minimize stress using the following 3 programs: Improve communication 0 Share information with employees to reduce uncertainty about their Jobs and futures. Clearly define employees' roles and responsibilities. 0 Make communication friendly and efficient, not mean-spirited or petty. Consult Employees 0 Give workers opportunities to participate in decisions that affect their Jobs. Consult employees about scheduling and work rules. Be sure the workload is suitable to employees' abilities and resources; avoid unrealistic deadlines. 0 Show that individual workers are valued. 0 Offer rewards and incentives. As Employee of the Month. 0 Provide opportunities for career development. 0 Promote an â€Å"entrepreneurial† work climate that gives employees more control over their work. Cultivate a friendly social climate 0 Provide opportunities for social interaction among employees. 0 Establish a zero- tolerance policy for harassment. 0 Make management actions consistent with organizational values.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Uae Food & Drink

â€Å"How Near-Term Demand Weakness Is Reshaping Company Strategies† A New Report from Business Monitor international (BMi) The UAE Food & Drink Competitive Intelligence Report Competition for market share in the UAE continues to intensify as food and drink firms battle against the conflicting interests of limited growth prospects but appealingly-high spending levels and as local players seek to ward off the ever growing threat of multinational competition.Responding to our clients’ requests, BMI’s food and drink analysts have just produced The UAE Food & Drink Competitive Intelligence Report, analysing and comparing the strategies adopted by major players as they seek to exploit opportunities and mitigate risks in a rapidly changing environment. Whether you are a food and drink manufacturer, investor or supplier to the industry, you will benefit from the following key features of this report: the UAe food & drink competitive intelligence report pUblished by bUsi ness monitor internAtionAl Company Profiles on the UAE’s 10 leading food and drink companies, containing Company overview, latest Company Developments, Product information, local/regional/Global operations,SWot analysis, Company Strategy and Financial Performance. Each profile provides hard-to-get competitive intelligence with which to benchmark the growth and risk management strategies of your competitors, peers, partners and clients. List of companies profiled: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Al Ain Water Al Ain Dairy Al Rawabi Carrefour Dubai Refreshments †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ EMKE FoodCo Masafi Spinneys Unilever www. usinessmonitor. com 9 BMI’s Investment Risk-Reward Rating ranks the uae’s attractiveness for industry investors compared to its regional peer group (Bahrain, egypt, israel, Kuwait, lebanon, oman, Qatar, saudi arabia). 9 BMI’s Business Development Directory gives you direct access to senior decision-makers and pur chasers at leading food and drink manufacturers and suppliers operating in the uae’s food and drink market – providing a powerful business development and networking tool to source new clients, partners and suppliers.The UAE Food & Drink Competitive Intelligence Report is available to industry professionals, strategists, trade bodies, government and regulatory agencies and international investors on preferential terms for a limited period only – Saving you 15% on your report order (see back page special Discount order Form). BMI’s clients, who include over 400 of the Global Fortune 500 companies rely on our competitive intelligence analysis and data to benchmark competitors and peers at leading multinational and local companies operating across Middle East & African food and drink markets.CLIENT LIST †¢ Carlsberg MW Brewery †¢ Coca Cola †¢ Maersk †¢ Mars GCC Fzc †¢ Mitsubishi Corporation †¢ Pepsico International †¢ Price waterhouseCoopers †¢ Red Bull †¢ The Boston Consulting Group †¢ Unilever North Africa & Middle East REpoRT CoNTENTS SECTION 1 – CoMpETITIvE LANDSCApE ANALySIS 1. Company-comparative analysis of the leading food, drink and grocery retail companies, CoMpANy pRoFILES ExTRACTS: DuBaI REfREShmEnTS examining sales, market share and main product areas and facilitating the identification of successful investment strategies and themes. nd our broader macroeconomic growth forecasts. Company strategies are also examined in relation to key operational, macroeconomic and political risks. 2. Company comparisons are made within the framework of our industry growth forecasts â€Å" SECTIoN 2 – CoMpANy pRoFILES Companies Profiled: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Al Ain Water Al Ain Dairy Al Rawabi Carrefour Dubai Refreshments †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ EMKE FoodCo Masafi Spinneys Unilever Key PepsiCo franchise bottler Dubai Refreshments Company (DRC ) is to invest in a AED400mn (US$108. 9mn) plant in the UAE to come on stream in 2012.The plant is expected to boost DRC’s annual capacity nearly threefold to 150mn cases and should, in our opinion, allow the firm to launch a number of new drinks as the wider soft drinks industry speeds up its transition away from traditional low-cost carbonates to higher value segments†¦ † Company Profile Contents 1. Company Overview: Date established, ownership structure, main business units, core maSafI business operations, leading products, market share. 2. Latest Company Developments: M&a, joint ventures, divestment/investments, projects, ontracts, new product launches, regulatory issues, announcements. â€Å" 3. Product Portfolio: leading brands and new product development initiatives. 4. Local, Regional & Global Operations: Domestic sales, main regional/global export markets, foreign purchases, JVs and strategic partnerships. 5. SWOT Analysis: analysis of company strengths, Weaknesses, opportunities and threats allowing for an examination of factors – both internal and external – that will affect future company performance. 6.Company Strategy: Analysis of company responses to fast-changing local market conditions, ranging from distribution network expansion to exploring new markets and from portfolio diversification to widen sales reach to research and development investment to secure future growth prospects. growth y-o-y, set against historic 5-year financial performance; covers revenues, operating profit, net profit, Basic EPS and EBITDA. Masafi aims to strengthen its market position by introducing new products and developing manufacturing and marketing strategies.It has a wide range of products, ranging from a twolitre mineral water bottle to a sizeable juice range. The company also promotes itself as highly socially responsible, entering into partnerships with international humanitarian and medical relief organisations. Masafi has al so been looking abroad for growth, with overseas sales now accounting for nearly 30% of its business†¦ 7. Financial Performance: BMI’s analysis of latest-available company financials and % † EmKE GRouP Financial Performance Table estle 5-year (2005-2009) financial information (chfmn, or % chg y-o-y for growth statistics) 2005 Sales Sales Growth EBIT EBIT Growth Net Profit Net Profit Growth Capital Expenditure CapEx Growth Earnings Per Share EPS Growth Source: Nestle Investor Relations 2. 08 3,375 8,081 11,876 91,115 2006 98,458 8. 1 13,302 12. 0 9,197 13. 8 4,200 24. 4 2. 39 14. 9 2007 107,552 9. 2 15,024 12. 9 10,649 15. 8 4,971 18. 4 2. 78 16. 3 2008 109,908 2. 2 15,676 4. 3 18,039 69. 4 4,869 -2. 1 4. 87 75. 2 2009 107,618 -2. 1 15,699 0. 1 10,428 -42. 2 4,641 -4. 7 2. 92 -40. 0 â€Å"UAE-based conglomerate EMKE Group, owner of the Emirate’s leading Lulu branded supermarkets and hypermarket will invest SAR1bn (US$267mn) in Saudi Arabia over the next eigh teen months – a decision we believes makes sense given our view that Saudi Arabia houses the Gulf region’s most promising mass grocery retail (MGR) industry on a number of counts†¦ † SECTIoN 3 – MARkET ATTRACTIvENESS FoR INvESToRS Market overview analysis of sector maturity, industry expenditure, foreign investment, GDP contribution, key industry players, regulatory environment, imports and exports. SWoT Analysis trengths, Weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis covering government policy and foreign investment environment, local manufacturing standards, growth and demand trends, demographic and macroeconomic trends, distribution infrastructure and supply chain standards and the competitive landscape. â€Å" RISK-REWARD RATINg ExTRACT: BMI’s Investment Risk-Reward Rating BMI’s Investment Riskreward rating allows investors to weigh up the attractiveness of the uae as an industry investment opportunity relative to its regional peer s: Bahrain, Egypt, Israel, kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia.Food and Drink industry and Country reward and risk scores (out of a total of 100) are weighted and combined to illustrate potential investor returns, as compared to other markets and to the regional average. middle east food & drink risk/reward ratings rewards Bahrain UAe Qatar Kuwait Egypt Saudi arabia oman Lebanon *Israel 53 51 50 46 49 45 39 38 45 risks 68 69 65 69 57 63 67 48 73 risk/reward rating 57. 3 56. 5 54. 7 52. 6 51. 0 50. 8 47. 7 40. 8 53. 2 The UAE’s reward score is the region’s second highest behind Bahrain.However, its industry reward score is the lowest of the top three ranked markets, emphasising the relative maturity of the UAE market, with high existing per capita consumption levels. Although strong per capita food consumption growth is not forecast, which is the main card Bahrain has in its favour against the UAE, premiumisation opportunities have yet to be exhausted despite ong oing real economy weakness (mostly in Dubai) inflicted by the 2009 economic downturn†¦ † *Israel has been included for comparative purposes only. Had it been ranked, it would have scored fourth.Source: BMI. Scores out of 100, with 100 highest. For full methodology see Appendix at the back of our Food & Drink Quarterly Reports, or visit our online service SECTION 4 – BUSINESS DEvELopMENT DIRECToRy The UAE Food & Drink Business Development Directory Primary research, conducted in Q3 2010, brings together latestavailable, accurate data on top decision-makers at the UAE’s leading supplier companies, including ownership structure, company size and sales volume, expansion strategy, key partners and main products and services.Providing direct access to top industry decision-makers and purchasers, the directory represents a powerful tool to source new clients, partners and suppliers, and benchmark competitors. Sample Directory Listing Nestle Middle East FZE PO Box 1 7327 Jebel Ali Free Zone Dubai UAE Tel: xxxxxxxxxx Fax: xxxxxxxxxx E-mail: xxxxxxxxxx Website: www. nestle. com KEY PERSONNEL Chairman & CEO: xxxxxxxxxx Finance Director: xxxxxxxxxx Communication & Marketing Services Director: xxxxxxxxxx Sales Director: xxxxxxxxxx Head of Human Resources: xxxxxxxxxx LOCAL STATISTICS Annual sales volume: US$ xxxxxxxxxx No. f employees: xxxxxxxxxx BUSINESS ACTIVITY Nestle Middle East has 17 factories and 37 offices in the region and in March 2010, opened a new multi-million dollar facility devoted to manufacturing powdered milk and packaging imported Mackintosh’s Quality Street chocolates. The complex, based at TechnoPark, Dubai, also plans to manufacture chocolates and wafers from the new expanded facility later this year. Nestle Pure Life bottled water will also be produced and distributed from the facility.Nestle Middle East also sells brands such as Nido, Kit Kat, Quality Street, Nescafe and Maggi. INDUSTRY CLASSIFICATION Food & Drink NATIO NALITY / TRADE AFFILIATION Switzerland SUBSIDIARY OF Nestle SA, Switzerland NEWLY RESEARCHED IN Q3 2010 Core Company Dataset †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Company name, web and postal address email, telephone and fax numbers Year of local registration employee size and sales volume (estimates) Main business activities, products and services Industry classifications nationality Global and regional HQsSpecial Discount order Form 15% Discount on The UAE Food & Drink Competitive Intelligence Report oR up to 50% discount for all 13 Food & Drink Competitive Intelligence Reports place your order online at: www. businessmonitor. com/bfr/australia Place your order online at: www. businessmonitor. com/dm/cir/food/uae Please tick the box(es) below, complete your payment details and fax back the form to us within 30 days latest on +44 (0)20 7248 0467 Intelligence Report at the 15% discount rate of â‚ ¬695/ US$975 (down from â‚ ¬820/ US$1,150).This include s 3 FREE quarterly updates, airmail and email delivery. i would also like to purchase the following Food & Drink Competitive Intelligence Reports at the special discount rates below: [ ] australia [ ] China [ ] egypt [ ] india [ ] indonesia [ ] Malaysia [ ] russia [ ] All 13 Food & Drink Competitive Intelligence Reports [ ] saudi arabia [ ] singapore [ ] south africa [ ] thailand [ ] Vietnam [ ] yES! i wish to order The UAE Food & Drink CompetitivePrefix / Full Name †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 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Friday, November 8, 2019

Quebrada Jaguay - Terminal Pleistocene Archaeology

Quebrada Jaguay - Terminal Pleistocene Archaeology Quebrada Jaguay (designated QJ-280 by its excavator) is a multi-component archaeological site, located on an  alluvial terrace within the coastal desert of southern Peru, on the north bank an ephemeral stream near the town of Caman. At the time of its earliest occupation, it was about 7-8 kilometers (4-5 miles) in from the Peruvian coast and today is about 40 meters (130 feet) above sea level. The site was a fishing community, with a Terminal Pleistocene occupation date between about 13,000 and 11,400 calendar years ago (cal BP), based on a large suite of radiocarbon dates. Terminal Pleistocene sites are known in  Andean chronology as Preceramic Period I). The site is one of about 60 sites which have been found along the coast of Peru in this region, but it is the only one containing the Jaguay Phase occupations, and it is the earliest site in the region found to date (as of 2008, Sandweiss). The closest site with the same date is Quebrada Tacahuay, some 230 km (140 miles) to the south. It, like Quebrada Jaguay, is a seasonally-occupied fishing village: and those sites and many others extending from Alaska to Chile support the Pacific Coast Migration Model for the original colonization of the Americas. Chronology Late Preceramic Period, 4000 cal BP, Manos PhaseHiatus, 4000-8000 cal BPEarly Middle Preceramic Period, 8000-10,600 cal BP, Machas PhaseEarly Preceramic Period, 11,400-13,000 cal BP, Jaguay Phase During the Jaguay phase, the site was a seasonally-occupied coastal base camp for hunter-gatherers and fishermen who targeted mostly drum fish (Sciaenae, corvina or sea bass family), wedge clams (Mesodesma donancium), and freshwater and/or marine crustaceans. The occupations apparently were confined to the late winter/early summer months; the rest of the year, the people are believed to have moved inland and hunted terrestrial animals. Based on the size of the fish, the people were net fishing: the Machas phase occupations contain a few specimens of knotted cordage. The only terrestrial animals recovered from the site were small rodents, which were not likely food for the residents. Houses during the Jaguay phase were rectangular, based on the identification of postholes, and contained hearths; the houses were reconstructed several times in the same location but slightly different positions, evidence for seasonal occupations. Food remains and abundant lithic debitage were also recovered, but there were almost no finished tools. Poorly preserved plant remains were restricted to a few prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) seeds. The vast majority of the raw material for the stone tools (lithics) were local, but Alca obsidian identified by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis had been brought from its Pucuncho basin source in the Andean highlands some 130 km (80 mi) away and 3000 m (9800 ft) higher in elevation. Machas Phase The Machas Phase occupation at the site contains neither prickly pear nor obsidian: and during this period there are many more such villages in the region. The Machas phase occupation included several bottle gourd rind fragments; and a single semi-subterranean house, about 5 m (16 ft) in diameter and built with a foundation of mud and stone. It may have been roofed with wood or other organic material; it had a central hearth. The house depression is filled with a shell midden, and the house was also built on top of another shell midden. Archaeological Discovery Quebrada Jaguay was discovered by Frà ©dà ©ric Engel in 1970, as part of his investigations into the preceramic epoch along the coastline. Engel dated charcoal from one of his test pits, which came back to a remarkable 11,800 cal bp, unheard of at the time: in 1970, any site in the Americas older than 11,200 was considered heresy. Excavations were conducted at the site by Daniel Sandweiss in the 1990s, with a team of Peruvian, Canadian and U.S archaeologists. Sources Sandweiss DH. 2008. Early Fishing Societies in Western South America. In: Silverman H, and Isbell W, editors. The Handbook of South American Archaeology: Springer New York. p 145-156. Sandweiss DH, McInnis H, Burger RL, Cano A, Ojeda B, Paredes R, Sandweiss MdC, and Glascock MD. 1998. Quebrada Jaguay: early South American maritime adaptations. Science 281(5384):1830-1832. Sandweiss DH, and Richardson JBI. 2008. Central Andean Environments. In: Silverman H, and Isbell WH, editors. The Handbook of South American Archaeology: Springer New York. p 93-104. Tanner BR. 2001. Lithic Analysis of Chipped Stone Artifacts Recovered from Quebrada Jaguay, Peru. Electronic Theses and Dissertations: University of Maine.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Class Identity in Feudal Japan - Fun Facts and Examples

Class Identity in Feudal Japan s Feudal Japan had a four-tiered social structure based on the principle of military preparedness. At the top were the daimyo and their samurai retainers. Three varieties of commoners stood below the samurai: farmers, craftsmen, and merchants. Other people were excluded entirely from the hierarchy, and assigned to unpleasant or unclean duties such as leather tanning, butchering animals and executing condemned criminals.  They are politely known as burakumin, or people of the village. In its basic outline, this system seems very rigid and absolute. However, the system was both more fluid and more interesting than the short description implies. Here are some examples of how the feudal Japanese social system actually functioned in peoples daily lives. If a woman from a common family got engaged to a samurai, she could be officially adopted by a second samurai family. This circumvented the ban on commoners and samurai intermarrying. When a horse, ox or other large farm animal died, it became the property of the local outcasts. It did not matter if the animal had been the personal property of a farmer, or if its body was on a daimyos land; once it was dead, only the eta had any right to it. For more than 200 years, from 1600 to 1868, the entire Japanese social structure revolved around support of the samurai military establishment. During that time period, though, there were no major wars. Most samurai served as bureaucrats. The samurai class basically lived on a form of social security. They were paid a set stipend, in rice, and did not get raises for cost-of-living increases. As a result, some samurai families had to turn to the manufacture of small goods like umbrellas or toothpicks to make a living. They would secretly pass these items on to peddlers to sell. Although there were separate laws for the samurai class, most laws applied to all three types of commoners equally. Samurai and commoners even had different kinds of mailing addresses. The commoners were identified by which imperial province they lived in, while samurai were identified by which daimyos domain they served. Commoners who tried unsuccessfully to commit suicide because of love were considered criminals, but they could not be executed. (That would just give them their wish, right?) So, they became outcast non-persons, or hinin, instead. Being an outcast wasnt necessarily a grinding existence. One headman of the Edo (Tokyo) outcasts, named Danzaemon, wore two swords like a samurai and enjoyed the privileges normally associated with a minor daimyo. To maintain the distinction between samurai and commoners, the government conducted raids called sword hunts or katanagari. Commoners discovered with swords, daggers or firearms would be put to death. Of course, this also discouraged peasant uprisings. Commoners were not allowed to have surnames (family names) unless they had been awarded one for special service to their daimyo. Although the eta class of outcasts was associated with the disposal of animal carcasses and the execution of criminals, most actually made their living by farming. Their unclean duties were just a side-line. Still, they could not be considered in the same class as commoner farmers, because they were outcasts. People with Hansens disease (also called leprosy) lived segregated in the hinin community. However, on the Lunar New Year and Midsummers Eve, they would go out into the city to perform monoyoshi (a celebration ritual) in front of peoples homes. The townspeople then rewarded them with food or cash. As with the western Halloween tradition, if the reward was not sufficient, the lepers would play a prank or steal something. Blind Japanese remained in the class to which they were born - samurai, farmer, etc. - so long as they stayed in the family home. If they ventured out to work as story-tellers, masseurs, or beggers, then they had to join the blind persons guild, which was a self-governing social group outside of the four-tier system. Some commoners, called gomune, took on the role of wandering performers and beggers that would normally have been within the outcasts domain. As soon as the gomune stopped begging and settled down to farming or craft-work, however, they regained their status as commoners. They were not condemned to remain outcasts. Source Howell, David L. Geographies of Identity in Nineteenth-Century Japan, Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005.